Thursday, May 7, 2020


Unsupervised by S.M. Shade is LIVE!


My decision to run from my comfortable upper-class life was an impulsive one, but I’m determined not to regret it. It’s true I have no car, have already been fired from my first job, and can’t cook without starting a fire, but I can do this. Anything is better than the life I was raised to lead as some successful man’s arm candy.
I’m adjusting to my new circumstances living with three roommates on Violent Circle, a neighborhood known for being eccentric at best and an insanity filled edible trip any other day. On my own for the first time, I am quickly realizing there’s a lot I need to learn, so signing up for the adulting club that teaches life skills at college seems like the perfect solution.
That is, until I walk into the first meeting and come face to face with my gorgeous economics teacher. Screw learning how to change a tire or file your taxes.
There are much more adult things I want this man to teach me.


Blowback, The Monsters Within Duet: Book Two by Monica James is LIVE!


This was supposed to be simple. Vengeance was mine. But I should know by now that nothing in life is easy.
My endgame has changed all because I met someone who wishes I was dead. Yet her hatred is the only thing saving her from The Big Bad. My lies protect her, so the harder she hates, the safer she is.
The thing about love and hate—it skates a very thin line. I need to stay away. It’s better for everyone if I do. But fighting this is like fighting nature.
Our paths crossed for a reason, and my Tiger isn’t fooled. Once the smoke clears, she will see every player, including me. I don’t deserve a second chance. But I want one…because I want her. The question is, what happens when the truth is finally revealed?
With the end in sight, I can promise you there will be nothing but violence and mayhem.
Oh yes, blood will be shed.



Life Forgotten by Layne Deemer is LIVE!

Free in KU

When you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, you’re bound to fall apart. Who will be there to help pick up the pieces?
Nellie Campbell is a fixer. She’s selfless in her need to solve the problems of the people she loves. When her mom is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, she puts her own life on hold and dives head first into caretaker mode. Her days are spent consumed with the troubles of others—her mom, her wayward sister, the neighborhood stray cat, the single mom next door. She tackles every issue as though it were her own, ignoring herself in the process.
Until she meets Jude Hargrove. After one brief encounter, he manages to awaken something inside of her that she had long left for dead. Herself.
But is it too late for Nellie? Can Jude help her see her own worth or will she be destined to see herself as a problem that just isn’t meant to be solved?



Like You Care by Kaydence Snow is LIVE and FREE in Kindle Unlimited!

"Gripping is an understatement when it comes to this book. From start to finish this book is an emotional roller coaster that keeps you captivated. I ugly cried, I raged, I cheered so freaking hard for both Mena and Turner it's not even funny." ~Red Hatter Book Blog


I am nothing.
I'd rather be invisible than deal with what happens on the days my classmates decide to acknowledge my existence.
But then Turner Hall shows up - all cool confidence and witty banter - and all of a sudden I don't want to be invisible any more. I want to be seen.
I want him to see me.
I'm not who he thinks I am but I'm starting to suspect he's not all he says he is either.
Just my luck that he starts to make friends with my tormentors. How am I supposed to tell him who I really am? How am I supposed to show him my true face? What if the boy I'm falling in love with decides I'm nothing too?

★ Start reading today! ★


The author is giving away a $50 Amazon Gift Card on her Facebook author page. Stop by to enter!


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