Turned Up: Taking Chances Book 3 by Erin Nicholas
Date of Publication: August 29, 2017
Dillon Alexander has been Kit Derby's nemesis since third grade, when he beat her in the school spelling bee. They've been competing ever since, driving each other to be the best at everything from science fairs to bake sales. While working together one night during their senior year, they stopped bickering long enough to share an emotionally charged kiss. But a tragedy that same night left them both racked with guilt, driving Dillon out of town and leaving Kit determined to keep her distance.
Now an emergency room physician, Dillon has returned to their hometown of Chance, Nebraska. Soon he and Kit fall back into old habits, sparring in public while trying to stay out of each other's arms. But when a blizzard traps them overnight at Kit's grandmother's farmhouse, the real competition begins: Who will be the first to give in to the feelings they've denied for a decade?
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Turned Up by Erin Nicholas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Erin Nicholas is good. For a little while, she helps readers get out of their heads and get in touch with their hearts. If laughter is the best medicine, Turned Up is spot on with the dosage. Kit and Dillon are book smart but clueless when it comes to the heart. Egos explode, sparks fly and love grows. What happens when the bane of your existence morphs into the love of your life? Crazy, sizzling and irresistible fun.
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Introduction: Thank you so much for hosting me today and letting me talk about Turned Up, the third (and final) book in the Taking Chances series!
What was the hardest part of writing this book?
This book was incredibly easy to write overall. I got to know Kit and Dillon in the very first book in the series and knew their story from even the first page of book one. I will say that giving them a few hurdles was actually the hard part ☺ They so deserved—and wanted—to be together! And they had a lot of hurdles to overcome in the past. So once they figured out how they felt about one another, it was hard giving them that final stretch of challenge.
What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
Helping these two people figure out that they have actually loved each other for so long and watching them realize how they made each other better.
Have you ever had one character you wanted to go one way with but after the book was done the character was totally different?
Oh yes definitely ☺ Not in this book—these two were very true to who I knew they were from the beginning—but that has happened! And it’s kind of fun… once I let go of the idea that I have to make them go a certain way!
What do your plans for future projects include?
I’m starting two new series next year that I’m positively giddy about! One is a new small town series called Billionaires in Blue Jeans and one is a series for Montlake Romance that is set in New Orleans, one of my most favorite cities in the world! I can’t wait to bring readers to these new places and introduce them to these new people!
What inspires you?
Stories about people helping one another, rising up, getting better, overcoming. I love stories of strangers helping one another and stories of people who have overcome hardship or illness or injury. People are amazing and there are so many good ones in this world!
Do you ever get writer’s Block? Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
Sure ☺ Thankfully, it’s never too long or horrible. I step away from the story and work on something else, read, hang out with friends and family, go for a long drive or walk. Usually it’s because I’m trying to make the story go in a direction that it’s not supposed to or make the characters do or say something that isn’t true to who they are. Once I let go of that and let the story go its own way, it all works out.
About Erin Nicholas

I've been reading romance since my mom first let me into her book cupboard when I was about fourteen. LaVyrle Spencer, Julie Garwood, Debbie Macomber... they took my 'happily ever after' ideas from animated princesses to real people in the real world.
I've been writing romance almost as long. Many a family car trip was spent with my head bent over a spiral notebook in the back seat. I'll confess that my very first attempts at fiction were fantasy and paranormals, influenced by my father's love of the Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, and the original Alice in Wonderland. If Harry Potter had been around, I'm sure he would have been on the bedtime story shelf as well.
But it wasn't long until I started writing about true love and that's where I've been ever since.
I'm so thrilled to be able to share these stories with you! I hope that they make you smile, sigh, maybe even choke up a little. Most of all, I hope that they help you believe in magical things like first kisses, the spark of passion, and the power of true love.
Find Erin Nicholas Online
Original post: ishacoleman7.booklikes.com/post/1591522/happy-book-week-turned-up-taking-chances-by-erin-nicholas
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