Monday, January 13, 2020

Review: A Sweet Collection of Girl Boss Romances by Melissa Storm, Raine English, Elsie Davis, Marie Savage, Sharon Hughson

A Sweet Collection of Girl Boss RomancesA Sweet Collection of Girl Boss Romances by Melissa Storm
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Adorable. Inspiring. Heartbreaking. A boxed set of romance that not only celebrates women, but touches the heart.

Flirting with the Fashionista by Melissa Storm - Storm has found a lighthearted way to deliver an empowering message without going overly preachy. In a world that glamorizes perfection, Ruby and Brandon remind us that beauty can be found in not so perfect. (5 stars)

Mommy Loves the Banker by Sharon Hughson - Mommy Loves the Banker is proof that age has nothing to do with finding your happily ever after. Two broken hearts are about to find out that when it comes to life and love, there are always surprises in store. A second chance is a beautiful thing and Hughson has direct aim when it comes to the heart. (4 stars)

No Time for Love (No Brides Club, #1) by Raine English - The best gifts are the ones you feel in your heart, but never saw headed your way. English has created a world full of strong women, but lost souls. No Time for Love is the beginning of one woman's journey. One act of love changes the course of her life and sets her on an unforgettable quest. Kinsley and Dylan are the best of what makes reading great. (5 stars)

View all my reviews

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