Sunday, January 5, 2020










Playing with Fire
By Amy Stephens
Release date: February 12th, 2020
Goodreads link:




Blayze Jenson knew from the time she was big enough to walk around in her daddy’s boots that she wanted to be just like him—a fire fighter—when she grew up.
While her family supported her dream wholeheartedly, there were others who made fun of her and doubted her ability to succeed in such a male-dominated profession. One person being Colton Burns, Blayze’s nemesis since childhood.

With extensive training and lots of will-power and determination, Blayze landed a position with the Gorman County Fire Department where she worked her way up through the ranks. Now that Captain has been added to her name badge, she’s finally happy with where she is in life. Or is she? Seems there’s one thing still missing…a man.
When a trip back home presents Blayze with an opportunity to take her career even further, Blayze can’t help but wonder if she’s ready for the next challenge.

Can she prove to the town she left a long time ago, to those that doubted whether she was cut out for such a demanding role, that she’s the right one for the position?

Will she finally be able to convince Colton Burns that playing with her heart is just as dangerous as playing with fire?








1 What is a book that you didn’t expect to like, but you did? I had to stop and think about this one for a moment. My go-to stories are typically romance themed, but one particular series that I stepped out of my comfort zone to read and LOVED would be The Hunger Games. I'm typically not a dystopian fan but this series was very intriguing, and I found that I had a hard time putting the books down. 

2. What is a book that you can/have read over and over again?
It has to be a REALLY great book for me to be able to read over and over again. On The Island by Tracey Garvis Graves is my absolute favorite and the other is Between Friends by Debbie Macomber. Both are from two totally different authors during two totally different eras but they both touched me in such a way that I've recommended them over and over again to my family and friends. 

3. What is your favorite read of last year?
My favorite read of last year would have to be Before You by Marni Mann. This was such a powerful, moving read that left me gasping for air at the very end.

4. Do you have a library card?
I HAD a library card. I used to frequent my local library quite often until I became an author. There were so many books I wanted to read but my library didn't have much of a selection for indie authors. The last book I checked out I was late returning it and I discovered I had a very large fine. I was so embarrassed about the fine, I couldn't go back and face them so I let my card expire. 

5. What is your favorite childhood book?
My favorite childhood book, aside from the Bobbsey Twin and Nancy Drew stories that I devoured, is called The Secret Language by Ursula Nordstrom. It was a book that my mom read when she was younger and she passed it on to me. I literally wore the pages out reading it so much that I bought a refurbished copy on EBay. The pages are very yellowed and fragile, but it's still one of my all-time favorites. The original copy has a printed price of 45cents on the front cover and is copyrighted in 1960--talk about a classic!

6. If you could meet any author, alive or dead… who would it be?
If I could meet any author...alive or dead...I'd have to say it would be VC Andrews. Though she's no longer with us, Andrews was a childhood favorite of mine that lasted through my teens and into adulthood. I've read so many of her twisted, dark tales that was so full of forbidden subjects, I often wondered how she came up with her story lines. I have quite a personal collection of her works, including the stories that her family and ghostwriting teams continued to put out long after her death. The drama she wrote about was extreme and in today's society would certainly be looked down upon. 

7.  Do you have any bad book habits?
Bad book habits? paperbacks are very precious to me so I take extra care of them. I do, though, despise people who break spines or fold the pages. That's a very big no-no for me!

8. What is your Girl Power Story about?
My Girl Power story is titled Playing with Fire and is about a female firefighter who gets an opportunity to move up to the highest paid firefighting position there is--Chief. Through obstacles (an old flame from long ago) the heroine must decide if she's willing to fight the battle or stay with her current fire department where she's comfortable. 






By S.E. Roberts

Goodreads TBR Link:




Ripley has dealt with plenty of jerks in the past. So, when she meets her new coach, who refuses to work with her, she knows she’ll have a fight on her hands… in more ways than one. Even if he is the sexist man she’s ever seen, she won’t let anyone treat her less than the fighter she is. But is there more to Ezra Cowen than meets the eye?

Ezra moved to Palm Meadows to escape the ghost of his past. Now he works all day for his uncle and goes home every night to an empty apartment. But when he meets his new neighbor, he feels a spark between the two of them, at least until he finds out who she is. She’s mouthy and doesn’t take no for an answer, which may be just what he needs.

Can two people who thought they’d never find happiness find it with each other?
Despite their rocky start, can they learn that love is worth fighting for?







What are your ambitions for your writing career?
-I try to write every day even if it’s only a little. I’m also trying to release at least one more book each year than I did the year before.
Where can we buy or see them? (* include American, European and any other relevant links. Free, free promotions or prices can be included)
-All my books are on Amazon and available on Kindle Unlimited.
Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Amazon DE:

Give us an insight into your main character for your story. What does he/she do that is so special?
-Ripley is an MMA fighter who has just gone pro. She started fighting as a way of self defense after getting out of a bad relationship, but decided to make it a career.
What are you working on at the minute?
-My Girl Power story
What genre are your books usually?
-Contemporary Romance
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
-Julianne Hough
Where do your ideas come from?
-My crazy imagination
How do you think you’ve evolved creatively?
-There was a time when I had a hard time coming up with story ideas, but I think now that I’ve written so much…the ideas just flow now. Of course, typically when I’m unable to jot them down!
What is the hardest thing about writing?
-Definitely doubting myself
Do you ever get writer’s Block?
-More often than I’d like to admit…haha!
Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors.
-I don’t feel like I get to as much as I’d like these days, but I try to always read at least before bed. Some of my favorites are Colleen Hoover, Tarryn Fisher, Jamie McGuire, Nicolas Sparks
For your own reading, do you prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books?
-Most of the time ebooks because I like to read in bed
What would you say are the main advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing against being published or the other way around?
-I like that I’m my own boss! I don’t work great on deadlines so it’s nice to work at my own pace and not feel so pressured.  I honestly don’t think there are many disadvantages.

Original post:

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