Monday, January 6, 2020







The Billionaire's Club Series is back!
Bad Boyfriend by Elise Faber releases on January 19th!
Kelsey Scott has never wanted anything more serious than a hookup. Work triumphs all, men are simply trainable orgasm machines, and her friends and family are everything.

But with her brother's wedding rapidly approaching and matchmaking rapidly ensuing from all angles, she decides she needs a buffer from all the “perfect Mr. Rights,” the white tulle and frumpy bridesmaid dresses, and—ick—the heart-warming vows.

What she doesn't need is Tanner.

Her ex.

The only man who ever managed to weasel his way into her heart.

And by typical male progression, the only man to break it.

She’s done with the gorgeous, chocolate-eyed man who chased her down, got her to open up, and then promptly tossed her aside. She’s done with letting anyone past the barbed wire protecting her heart. Because if Kelsey has learned anything, it’s that she loves fiercely . . . and stupidly.

So no. No men, no matter how gorgeous. Definitely no emotional connections with those of the XY variety. And certainly no boyfriends. Not now. Not again. Not ever.

But when she and Tanner get paired up as a bridesmaid and groomsman at her brother's wedding, Kelsey finds it hard to remember all her steadfast rules.

Especially when it turns out that Tanner wants to get past all her defenses all over again.
#BillionaireRomance #StandaloneRomance #BillionaireSeries
@elisefaber @ellewoodspr 

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